
(DAY-635/T-MINUS: 23-DAYS)


There is indeed, much commotion moving through the lives of the people; though the liars are exposed day by day, many people remain confused; for, the echoes of false teachings and words remain adrift and linger in their ears.

Learn to live in victory; cleanse your ears; listen not to the lies of those who look to combine confusion and fear into a strategic weapon; the day and season is appointed only by YAH; those who live in His moment, live in His Everlasting Victory.

The end is yet to come; hold tight; stand your post; blow the shofar; awaken the people; let all who dwell upon the earth hear the Everlasting Truth and the Good News; Yahweh El Elyon has got this; throughout all time and ages.


Revelation 21:5-8


    Almighty and Eternal God, we pray that You would continue to shine light upon and reveal those who are going around seeking opportunities to kill, steal, and destroy. Expose the liars and bring an end to their lies. Father, we pray that You would hold our leaders accountable for the many lies they have told. Please led them and give each the opportunity to repent. We ask that YOU protect YOUR Church from discrimination. Watch over us, Lord, and help us to reflect YOUR light to all the world. We worship YOU Father God; for YOU are the Alpha and the Omega; YOU are the Creator of all things; we fear only YOU; and it is in YOU we trust. So, Father we declare by YOUR Son Yeshua’s name, America, shall be saved. AMEN!!

Published by josepheleblanc


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