
(DAY-636/T-MINUS: 22-DAYS)


The J6’ers are all but done; with fatted fingers they point at their target, calling for judgement; saying nothing, not even 9/11, compares to the terror of January 6th; though they are the one’s threatening and terrorizing those who openly refuse to appear in their drama.

This show-trial sums up goals of the Marxist-liberal-left-cultists; to suspend previous constitutional laws and rights; to dominate and control; to nullify any voice but theirs; to operate a government where there is no place nor room for God.

The judgement called for by the wicked, shall soon be delivered; be strong, be courageous and hold tight; for Yahweh El Elyon has got this.


Revelation 22:10-13


    Almighty and Eternal God, we see and feel the hate coming from this select-committee and we ask for a reckoning. We ask that YOU either change their hearts or remove each from position; let them be replaced with righteous, God-fearing, men and women who will abide by YOUR law and justice. Father, we ask that the people who have weaponized the FBI against the American people, and every agent who is complicit, soon be brought to justice. Help us, Lord, we are surrounded by godless people who seem to not care about Americans; remove them from YOUR people and help us to hear YOUR voice and walk with wisdom. Lord Father, we pray that YOU would supernaturally protect the security, integrity, and privacy of the midterms; ensuring that godly candidates win. Lord, we declare in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. AMEN!

Published by josepheleblanc


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